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Without spending a single cent more on Google or Facebook ads. What you’re about to discover will change the way you advertise on Google forever…
Dear Business Builder,
Lemme guess, you’re looking for new ways to get more customers?
And you’re thinking “If only I could get more traffic to my website”.
More eyeballs on my offers.
Ok look, imma shoot you straight….
Most people don’t have a traffic problem.
They have a conversion problem.
You see, there is no shortage of traffic online.
There are 2.8 billion Facebook users…
And 40,000 search queries every single second on Google!
Walk with me…
There’s literally more traffic online than you could possibly handle.
Enough to melt your web servers and send your developers into a catatonic state of shock.
So what’s the problem?
Why are so many businesses struggling to get enough leads and sales?
Well, buckle up bizzsnaps because I’m about to blow your umbilicus clean off.
Here we go!
The real issue isn’t getting traffic.
Because, just like you go to the supermarket to buy groceries…
You can also go to the ‘traffic supermarket’ i.e. Google and Facebook.
And buy as much traffic as you want!
So the issue isn’t traffic.
The REAL issue is….getting that traffic to convert at a rate that’s profitable.
In other words…
Being able to ring the cash register in high enough volumes, and with fat enough margins to make a profit on that traffic.
Comprende? Good.
Let’s move on.
You see…
They blame Google and Facebook for the ever rising cost per click.
They blame ‘em that every time they launch a campaign it burns a hole in their bank account.
But look, it ain’t Zucks or the big G that sets the price…
It’s your competition. Your market.
So instead of complaining about what you can’t control – you gotta focus on what you can.
And the thing you can control is…
The rate at which you CONVERT that traffic into leads, customers and clients.
Alright. Don’t worry, It’s okay.
There’s a solution to all this madness.
Here it is: there is no solution.
Calm down, jeez! I’m just kiddin’.
Relax. I’mma tell you.
The answer is actually far simpler, and far less costly than one would expect.
I mean it doesn’t involve paying some traffic genius $10,000s of dollars to unlock some ‘hidden’ and secret setting inside your ad accounts.
It doesn’t involve some ‘loophole’ or ‘hack’.
It doesn’t involve hiring a hitman named Vladimir to take out your competition.
Heck, it doesn’t even involve getting “cheaper clicks”.
“Okay cut the bullshit. And tell me how to goddamn end this nightmare!”
*clears throat*
Well what you need is…
And never calls in sick or takes holidays…
Or never goes to work for a competitor.
This person goes by….
Yep, a good ol’ high-converting landing page is like a sexy well-dressed super-powered salesperson.
And, if you set it up right the first time around, it will work for you day and night to bring in emails, leads and even sales.
Here’s what one of these puppies looks like:
Look, we’ve spent well over $50 million dollars on generating traffic, in over 416 different industries and niches.
And we’ve used this $50 million to generate our clients $1.33 Billion dollars (that’s billion with a B) in sales.
We’ve run thousands of scientific experiments to really figure out what works and what doesn’t.
So you could try and figure this all out by yourself.
Pulling your hair out and dealing with the never-ending shit storm of rising ad costs, poor conversion rates, and an income that’s a feast one month and a famine the next.
Or you could simply get our entire “selling system”.
Our roadmap for success.
Plus every tip, hack, technique, unfair advantage, secret…and everything that’s currently working right now in 2023.
Listen, there’s no dignity in struggling if you can find a better way to succeed.
A ‘shortcut’ and ‘hack’ to get you results faster. Much faster.
But if this wasn’t enough…
I’m now going to send your greed glands into overdrive!
By making you an offer which would be difficult for any sane business owner to refuse…
And that is…
Does this offer excite you? Interested in putting us to the test?
Hold on there, tiger…not so fast.
Gotta back up a little first.
Because this is not for everybody.
There are three important factors which must exist before you should even think about applying for this opportunity:
Look, this is the closest you’ll ever get to someone giving you free money.
Because, what all this means is, if we fail (very unlikely) to beat your current landing page, you won’t owe us a single red cent.
Think about it, you pay…
And guess what else? If we do beat your current landing page (highly likely) you’ll still not be out of any money…
Because every dollar you pay us will come from the EXTRA sales you wouldn’t have made unless we created our new landing page for you!
Why are we making such an offer?
Well, It’s very simple…
Only the Gods, tigers, and immortals have tiger blood *wink*.
But seriously…
We practice what we preach and make offers so good only a lunatic could refuse!
This is a key ingredient to sky high conversion rates!
Now, you’re still here with me – reading this, so what to do next…
Go here and book in a 30-minute strategy session with my team to see if we’d be a good fit.
Play“Since partnering with King Kong the results have been nothing short of outstanding. There are three simple words here and that is: Leads! Leads! Leads!” Domenic Varese, Marketing Manager, Metricon
Play“From Cold-calling To 200 New Customers In 12 Months” Emma & Jim Elliott, Owners, Little Big Dairy
Play“From $4 Million To $25,000,000+ In 18 Months” Michael Argent, Managing Director, Let's Get Care
Play“Our Pipeline Got Completely Flooded Overnight” Wade Tink, Managing Director, Project Everest
Play"From $0 To $18 Million In 18 Months (During A Recession)" New Sensation Homes, Danny Coyne, New Sensation Homes
Play"Working With King Kong Has Transformed Our Whole Lives. The Growth That We've Experienced Has Been Astronomical." Marco Maisano, CEO & Founder, NSR Australia & NZ
Play"Initially I was worried about where my first job was coming from. After using King Kong I was more worried about how I was going to manage the job. My business has increased 200%, so I got my return on investment 10-20 times over." Ged, Owner, Ged's Mobile Car Cleaning
Play“Since starting work with King Kong 9 months ago our sales have tripled and we've expanded into 3 other states. These guys are amazing!” Raphael Bender, Founder, Breathe Education
Play“We’ve Increased Our Revenue By 35-40% By Working With King Kong” Colin Battersby, Principal, Discover Stradbroke
Play“After 18 Months, We’ve Got A 49% Increase In Leads. I’d Never Go Back To Not Using King Kong.” Beth Hourigan, Director, Aged Care Financial Services
Play"From $3 Million To $50 Million In 12 Months With King Kong" Dylan Trickey, Marketing Coordinator
Play“The goal was to get 8 sales in the first year. It’s been 11 months now and we’ve had 23 sales. Which is $7 million in revenue. The money I spent with King Kong I’ve seen a return on investment of five to six times.” Lee Selkrig, Founder, Enso Homes
Domenic Varese
Emma & Jim Elliott
Michael Argent
Wade Tink
New Sensation Homes
Marco Maisano
Raphael Bender
Colin Battersby
Beth Hourigan
Dylan Trickey
Lee Selkrig
Good question. It’s one we get asked all the time. It all boils down to focus and the conversions – leads, sales or whatever action you want visitors to take – that results.
As the main page on a website, the focus of a homepage is to give an introduction into a company’s values and their product/service. The layout and content is specifically designed to pique the interest of visitors and encourage them to explore the other pages on the site.
In contrast, the whole focus of a landing page is conversion. It’s a standalone page (that’s usually built on a company’s website domain) that’s designed to trigger a specific action of the user. It gets rid of distraction and keeps the user focused on one thing, whether that’s signing up for a newsletter, booking an appointment or buying a product.
Yes. You have a product to sell and a landing page is one of the most effective ways to persuade visitors to act on an offer. We’ll use a magnetic headline, trust indicators, social proof and other kickass elements to compel visitors to take action and hit that CTA button.
But this approach isn’t suitable for all businesses. Ecommerce landing pages are very effective if you sell one product. Once you start expanding your business and product range, landing pages no longer make sense as a standalone web project.
A homepage is typically a summary of your business and a directory for your products or services. You could say it’s like a digital foyer / welcome page for your business. Home Pages are great, but they rarely drive conversions. A landing page, in comparison, is a single focused page that is designed with one goal in mind. That goal is conversions. A landing page:
If you want to SELL rather than welcome people to your website , a landing page is the solution every time.
Always a landing page. It’s simple. Here’s an example why;
Let’s say a customer clicks on your ad after searching Google for ‘gas fitting services in South Melbourne’. They didn’t search for your company; they’re just looking for a gas fitter and decided to click on your ad. Instead of taking the user to a landing page that’s kitted out with all the info they need to know about your gas fitting services, they end up on your homepage – a page that is littered with information and category listings that are linked to all the services you offer. They’re now looking at a page that talks about emergency plumbing and plumbing maintenance.
That user now has to figure out how to find out about your gas fitting services. That takes time. It takes effort. And it will most likely result in a bounce.
YES! Landing pages are most effective when they are talking about one product or service. Why? Because it’s…